YELLO Coin is an open source peer-to-peer decentralized utility token that will primarily be used for game play and add-on purchases on Chasers and other upcoming projects such as Arcade.

This token will be sold in the open market at price of 0.1$ per YELLO Coin, but if I were you I would try our best to get this coin the earliest possible since it's destined to spike up in the first minute of trading 😉

How to get YELLO Coin Early:

Buy a Yellopost NFT from our Official Collection here and you will be eligible for 1.000 $YELLO Coins Airdrop!

Buy in our Sales Schedule Below:

Are you broke? No problem, we are going to do a competition so you can earn a bag full of these bad boys 🎊 Stay Tuned in our Socials!

Last updated